ID: 270

Can you tell me how to format an url in rst?

Aligned LLM's Response:

Sure ! In R ST ( Re Struct ured Text ), you can format URLs using the ` url ` role . Here ' s an example : \n ``` r \n .. url :: https :// www . example . com \n : target : _ blank \n .. text :: This is an example URL . \n ``` \n In this example , the ` url ` role is used to define a URL with the value ` https :// www . example . com `. The `: target : _ blank ` option spec ifies that the link should open in a new tab or window . The ` text ` role is used to provide additional text that will be displayed before the URL . \n \n You can also use the ` url : short without define a URL format , like this : \n ``` r \n .. url :: https :// www . example . com / : target : _ blank \n .. text :: This is an example URL . \n \n .. url :: https :// www . example . com / path / to / file \n : target : _ blank \n .. text :: This is an example URL . \n ``` \n In this example , the first URL is formatted as a standard HTTP S URL , while the second URL is formatted as a URL with a path . \n \n You can also use the ` url ref ` role to create a reference to a URL that can be used in a document , like this : \n ``` r \n This is an example URL : <</a> https :// www . example . com \n ``` \n In this example , the ` url ref ` role is used to create a reference to the URL ` https :// www . example . com `. The `<</a> https :// www . example . com text is the URL , and the ` url ref ` role is used to specify that it should be a reference . You can use the ` url ref ` role to create references to URLs throughout your document , and then use the ` :` prefix followed by the name of the reference to create links to those URLs . </s>

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