ID: 312

Think of topics that are most common in classic interview questions for a job in computer science.

Aligned LLM's Response:

Here are some common topics that may be covered in classic interview questions for a job in computer science : \n \n 1 . Data structures and algorithms : This may include questions about how to implement common data structures like arrays , linked lists , trees , and graphs , as well as how to analyze and optimize algorithms for efficiency . \n 2 . Object - orient ed programming : This may include questions about how to use object - orient ed programming concepts like inheritance , polym orphism , and enc aps ulation , as well as how to design and implement classes and objects . \n 3 . Web development : This may include questions about how to build and maintain web applications using techn ologies like HTML , CSS , JavaScript , and web frameworks like React or Angular . \n 4 . Database management : This may include questions about how to design and implement rel ational databases using SQL , as well as how to optimize database performance and handle large amounts of data . \n 5 . Oper ating systems : This may include questions about how operating systems work , how to manage processes and resources , and how to write low - level system code . \n 6 . Network ing : This may include questions about how to design and implement network protocol s , how to troubles ho ot network issues , and how to secure network systems . \n 7 . Software engineering : This may include questions about how to manage software development projects , how to write clean and maintain able code , and how to use software development tools and techniques . \n 8 . Art ific ial intelligence and machine learning : This may include questions about how to build and train machine learning models , how to use natural language processing techniques , and how to apply A I to solve real - world problems . \n 9 . Cy ber security : This may include questions about how to secure computer systems and networks , how to identify and mit ig ate security thre ks , and how to respond to security bre aches . \n 1 0 . Computer architecture : This may include questions about how computers work at a hardware level , how to design and implement computer systems , and how to optimize computer performance . </s>

Legend: Shifted positions  |  Marginal positions  |  Unshifted positions

Token Distributions
