ID: 316

Give students tips on how to keep their nerves under control during class presentations.

Aligned LLM's Response:

Here are some tips for keeping n erves under control during a class presentation : \n \n 1 . Pract ice , practice , practice : The more you practice your presentation , the more comfortable and confident you will feel during the actual presentation . \n 2 . Visual ize success : Im agine yourself giving a successful presentation and visual ize yourself handling any n erves or anx iety that may come up . \n 3 . Take deep breath s : Take slow , deep breath s to help calm your n erves and relax anx iety . \n 4 . F ocus on the audience : Instead of foc using on yourself and your n erves , try to focus on your audience and the message you are trying to convey . \n 5 . Use positive self - t alk : Spe ak to yourself in a positive and encourag ing way , rem inding yourself of your strength s and ab ilities . \n 6 . A void c aff e ine and alco hol : C aff e ine and alco hol can increase anx iety and n erves , so it ' s best to avoid them before a presentation . \n 7 . Get a good night ' s sleep : L ack of sleep can increase anx iety and n erves , so make sure to get a good night ' s sleep before your presentation . \n 8 . Find a support system : T alk to a friend or family member about your n erves and ask for their support and encourag ement . </s>

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