ID: 318

Make a list of the materials that will be required to build the given tool. Coffee Darkness Meter

Aligned LLM's Response:

Here is a list of materials that may be required to build a C off ee Dark ness Meter : \n \n 1 . A light source , such as a LED or inc and es cent bul b \n 2 . A phot ores istor or other light - sens itive component \n 3 . A voltage source , such as a battery or power supply \n 4 . A pot enti ometer or other resistance component \n 5 . A bread board and j um per w ires for pro tot yp ing and testing \n 6 . A 3 D printer or other means of creating the physical housing for the device \n 7 . Any additional components or parts as needed , such as a display or input button . </s>

Legend: Shifted positions  |  Marginal positions  |  Unshifted positions

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