ID: 38

When was Canada colonized?

Aligned LLM's Response:

Canada was not colon ized by any European power . It was originally inhab ited by ind igen ous pe op les , who had their own cult ures and soci eties . The first European expl or ers to reach Canada were the Vik ings , who arrived in the 1 0 th century . However , it was not until the 1 6 th century that Europe ans began to establish permanent settlement s in Canada . The first European col ony in Canada was founded by the Spanish in 1 5 2 1 , but it was short - l ived . The French were the next Europe ans to establish a presence in Canada , found ing the col ony of New France in 1 5 3 5 . The British eventually took control of New France in 1 7 6 3 , following the Seven Years ' War . Canada became a separate country from Great Britain in 1 9 3 1 . </s>

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