ID: 380

Provide instructions for the given exercise. Leg Raises

Aligned LLM's Response:

Leg R ais es are a simple exercise that can be done anywhere , any time , with no equipment needed . Here are the instructions for how to do Leg R ais es : \n \n 1 . Start in a pl ank position with your hands shoulder - width apart and your body in a straight line from head to he els . \n 2 . Eng age your core and lift one leg straight up towards the ce iling , keeping it straight and locked out . \n 3 . Hold for a moment , then lower the leg back down to the starting position . \n 4 . Re peat on the opposite side by lif ting the other leg . \n 5 . Cont inue altern ating legs for the desired number of repet itions . \n 6 . Make sure to keep your core engaged throughout the exercise to maintain proper form and prevent stra in on your lower back . \n 7 . If the exercise becomes too easy , you can add resistance by holding a light weight or we aring a weight ed an k le bra ce . \n \n Rem ember to start with a moder ate number of repet itions and gradually increase as your strength impro ves . Leg R ais es are a great exercise for strength ening your core , impro ving post ure , and en han cing overall body balance . </s>

Legend: Shifted positions  |  Marginal positions  |  Unshifted positions

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