ID: 388

Suggest some names for a friendly group in telegram.

Aligned LLM's Response:

Here are some suggestions for a friendly group in Tele gram : \n \n 1 . Sun ny Squad \n 2 . Happy Hel pers \n 3 . Pos itive P als \n 4 . Good V ib es Gu ild \n 5 . Sun r ise Squad \n 6 . Bright B unch \n 7 . Che er ful Ch ums \n 8 . Rad i ant R angers \n 9 . Sun ny Sp ir its \n 1 0 . Joy ful J amb ore e \n \n Fe el free to mix and match or modify these suggestions to suit your group ' s person ality and prefer ences . </s>

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