ID: 422

Who are some eminent scholars of the Quechua language?

Aligned LLM's Response:

There are many em inent sch ol ars of the Que ch ua language , including : \n \n 1 . María Rost wor owski : A Per uv ian historian and lingu ist who has made significant contributions to the study of the In ca Empire and the Que ch ua language . \n 2 . Luis L um br eras : A Mexican anth rop ologist and lingu ist who has conducted extensive research on the Que ch ua language and its dialect s . \n 3 . A lic ia Sal vat ierra : A Per uv ian lingu ist who has studied extens ively on the grammar and voc ab ul ary of the Que ch ua language . \n 4 . Jul io C . T ello ona : A Boliv ian lingu ist who has studied the Que ch ua language and its dialect s , as well as other ind igen ous languages of Boliv ia . \n 5 . H é ctor J . Ch á vez : A Per uv ian anth rop ologist and lingu ist who has conducted research on the Que ch ua language and its use in contemporary society . \n \n Th ese sch ol ars , among others , have made significant contributions to the study and understanding of the Que ch ua language and its cultural significance . </s>

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