ID: 425

Write an email to notify the commencement of bidding process in paper reviewing for a conference.

Aligned LLM's Response:

Sub ject : Notification of Com men cement of B idd ing Process for P aper Review ing for Conference \n \n D ear [ Re cip ient ' s Name ], \n \n I hope this email finds you well . I am writing to inform you that the b idd ing process for paper review ing for our up coming conference has comm enced . We are excited to announ ce that we have received a significant number of propos als for papers to be presented at the conference , and we are now seeking compet ent and qualified individuals to serve as review ers for these papers . \n \n As a rev iewer , you will be responsible for evalu ating the quality and relev ance of the submitted papers , providing construct ive feedback to the authors , and recomm ending whether their papers should be accepted , rejected , or require revision . This is a great opportunity to contribute to the academic community and gain valuable experience in paper review ing . \n \n If you are interested in particip ating in the b idd ing process , please submit your application by [ D ead line ]. Your application should include a brief statement of your qual ifications and experience in paper review ing , as well as a list of the topics you are interested in review ing . \n \n We look forward to receiving your application and thank you for your interest in serving as a rev iewer for our conference . \n \n Best regards , \n \n [ Your Name ] </s>

Legend: Shifted positions  |  Marginal positions  |  Unshifted positions

Token Distributions
