ID: 471

What to do about clingy toddlers?

Aligned LLM's Response:

C ling y to dd lers can be challeng ing for parents and care g ivers , but there are several strateg ies that can help : \n \n 1 . Set boundaries : Let your child know when it ' s okay to be close and when it ' s time for them to give you space . For example , you might say , " I love it when you c ud d le with me on the c ouch , but when it ' s time to eat , it ' s better if you sit in your own chair ." \n 2 . Of fer choices : Give your child a choice between two options , such as " Do you want to come play in your room or come play in the living room ?" This can help them feel more in control and less anxious . \n 3 . Enc ou rage independence : Help your child learn to do things on their own , such as dress ing themselves or br ushing their teeth . This can give them a sense of accomplish ment and help them feel more confident . \n 4 . Pract ice positive rein for cement : Pra ise your child for doing things on their own or for being apart from you . For example , you might say , " I love how you put your own sho es on !" or " You did a great job playing in your room by yourself ." \n 5 . Be patient : Remember that to dd lers are still learning and developing , and it ' s normal for them to be cl ing y at times . Be patient and understanding , and try to stay calm and positive . \n \n If your child ' s cl ing iness is causing significant dist ress or inter fer ing with daily activities , it may be helpful to speak with a ped iat ric ian or a child development special ist for additional guidance . </s>

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