ID: 475

Why are the leaves of my snake plant getting soggy, and then falling off? I recently repotted it. I only water it once a month.

Aligned LLM's Response:

S nake plants are known for their ability to toler ate neglect , but they still require proper care to th rive . It ' s possible that the sog gy and falling leaves are a result of over water ing , especially if you recently rep otted the plant . \n \n When you rep ot a s nake plant , it ' s important to wait until the soil is completely dry before water ing it again . Over water ing can cause the roots to rot , which can lead to the yellow ing and falling of leaves . \n \n Add itionally , s nake plants prefer well - dra ining soil , so make sure that the pot you ' re using has ade qu ate d rain age holes . If the soil is consist ently sog gy , it could be a sign that the pot isn ' t dra ining properly . \n \n If you ' re still uns ure about the cause of the problem , you can try checking the soil mo ist ure level by stick ing your finger about an in ch into the soil . If it feels wet , wait a few more days before water ing . \n \n In summary , make sure to wait until the soil is dry before water ing your s nake plant , and choose a pot with good d rain age . If the problem pers ists , you may want to consider consult ing with a plant expert or doing some further research on s nake plant care . </s>

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