ID: 491

I want to take a weekend trip from San Francisco to somewhere in California where I can see redwood trees. Where should I go?

Aligned LLM's Response:

There are several places in California where you can see red wood trees , but one of the most popular destin ations is Mu ir Wood s National Monument , which is located about an hour and a half north of San Francisco . \n \n M u ir Wood s is home to some of the tall est and oldest red wood trees in the world , and the park offers several h ik ing tra ils that allow visitors to explore the forest and get up close to these incred ible trees . \n \n An other option is to visit the Red wood National and State Park s , which are located in the northern coast al region of California . These par ks en comp ass over 1 3 0 , 0 0 0 acres of old - g row th red wood forest , and offer a variety of h ik ing tra ils , camp ing opportun ities , and other recre ational activities . \n \n B oth Mu ir Wood s and the Red wood National and State Park s are great destin ations for a week end trip from San Francisco , and offer a unique opportunity to experience the beauty and maj esty of these incred ible trees . </s>

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