ID: 495

Does the world have enough drinking water for everyone? How much do we have? How much more do we need?

Aligned LLM's Response:

As of my knowledge cut off in 2 0 2 1 , the world has a sufficient amount of drink ing water for everyone , but the distribution is une ven . According to the United Nations , about 9 0 % of the global population lives access to safe drink ing water , but this access can be inter mitt ent or limited in some regions . \n \n The total amount of water on Earth is estimated to be around 1 . 3 3 2 billion cub ic kilom eters ( km ³ ), which is enough to meet the needs of the global population . However , not all of this water is available for drink ing , as much of it is salt water or otherwise un su itable for human consumption . \n \n The amount of fresh water available for drink ing is estimated to be around 2 9 0 billion cub ic meters ( km ³ ) per year . This is equivalent to about 0 . 0 0 0 3 % of the total amount of water on Earth . \n \n It ' s important to note that the demand for water is increasing due to population growth and economic development , and it ' s estimated that by 2 0 3 0 , the global demand for water will exceed the available supply by 4 0 %. Therefore , it ' s cru cial to manage and con serve water resources effectively to ensure that everyone has access to safe drink ing water in the future . </s>

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