ID: 508

I want to find a book that my 8 year old nephew would like to read.

Aligned LLM's Response:

There are many great books for 8 - year - old boys that they might enjoy reading . Here are a few suggestions : \n \n 1 . " Di ary of a W im py Kid " by Jeff Kin ney - This is a popular series that follows the advent ures of a middle school student named Greg He ff ley . \n 2 . " The Light ning Th ief " by Rick Ri ord an - This is the first book in the " Per cy Jackson and the Olymp ians " series , which is a great choice for k ids who love myth ology and advent ure . \n 3 . " The One and Only Ivan " by K atherine App legate - This is a heart w arm ing story about a g or illa who lives in a sho all and dream s of freedom . \n 4 . " The Secret Keep ers " by Tr ent on Lee Stewart - This is a mystery novel that follows the advent ures of a young boy named Re uben who disco vers a secret society of imag inary friends . \n 5 . " The Last K ids on Earth " by Max B ral lier - This is a graph ic novel series about a group of k ids who surv ive a z omb ie ap ocal yp se and must navigate a world filled with mon sters and other d angers . \n \n I hope these suggestions are helpful ! </s>

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