ID: 53

I've read the book "The Twelve Caesars" by Suetonius, a few times. I'm curious about the context, of when he wrote.

Aligned LLM's Response:

" The Tw elve Ca es ars " is a work of historical fiction written by Su eton ius , a Roman historian and politician who lived in the 1 st and 2 nd centuries AD . The book is a collection of twelve bi ograph ies of the Roman em per ors , covering the period from the found ing of the Roman Republic to the present day . \n \n Su eton ius wrote " The Tw elve Ca es ars " during the reign of Emperor Had rian , who ruled from AD 1 1 7 to 1 3 8 . At the time , Rome was the center of the Roman Empire , and Latin was the language of government and literature . Su eton ius likely wrote the work in Latin , although it has also been translated into English and other languages . \n \n It is not clear when exactly " The Tw elve Ca es ars " was written , but it is believed to have been written som etime between AD 1 2 1 and 1 2 8 , during Had rian ' s reign . The work was likely completed shortly after Had rian ' s acc ession to the throne in AD 1 1 7 , as Su eton ius may have been appointed to a position of authority by the new em peror . \n \n Over all , " The Tw elve Ca es ars " provides valuable insight into the lives and reign s of the Roman em per ors , and is an important work of Roman history . </s>

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