ID: 589

Use an appropriate format to structure a formal letter of recommendation for a student applying to a prestigious graduate program in computer science.

Aligned LLM's Response:

[ Your Address ] \n [ Date ] \n \n [ Re cip ient ' s Address ] \n \n D ear [ Re cip ient ' s Name ], \n \n I am writing to recommend [ Student ' s Name ], who is applying to the pr estig ious gradu ate program in computer science at [ Univers ity Name ]. I have had the pleasure of teaching and advis ing [ Student ' s Name ] for the past [ number of years ] years , and I can confident ly say that they are one of the most exception al students I have encountered in my career as an educ ator . \n \n [ Student ' s Name ] has consist ently demonstrated a keen intellect , an ins ati able curiosity , and an un wa ver ing work eth ic . They have excel led academ ically , ear ning a [ bach elor ' s / master ' s ] degree in computer science with a [ G PA / class rank ] and a [ min or / con cent r ation ] in [ related field ]. Their academic achiev ements are a test ament to their exception al ability to analyze complex problems , think crit ically , and solve challeng ing computational issues . \n \n In addition to their academic accomplish w ess , [ Student ' s Name ] has also made significant contributions to research projects in the field of computer science . They have author ed [ number of papers / present ations ] on topics such as [ specific research area ], and their work has been recognized with [ a wards / hon ors ]. Their research experience demonstr ates their ability to conduct independent research , work collabor atively with others , and communicate complex find ings effectively . \n \n [ Student ' s Name ] is an exception al communic ator and team player . They have worked on numerous group projects , demonstr ating their ability to effectively contribute to and lead teams . They are also an excellent ment or to their pe ers , always willing to share their knowledge and provide guidance to those in need . \n \n I strongly recommend [ Student ' s Name ] for ad mission to the gradu ate program in computer science at [ Univers ity Name ]. They possess the intellectual capacity , the passion , and the drive to excel in this program . I am confident that they will make significant contributions to the field of computer science and will be an asset to the university community . \n \n Please do not hes itate to contact me if you require any further information . \n \n S in cer ely , \n \n [ Your Name ] </s>

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