ID: 612

I just finished reading the Expanse novels. Wow. Any recommendations for a new book?

Aligned LLM's Response:

If you enjoyed the Ex pan se nov els and are looking for a new book to read , here are a few recommend ations : \n \n 1 . " The Three - Body Problem " by Li u C ix in - This is the first book in a tr il ogy that expl ores the interactions between humans and an al ien civil ization . It ' s a thought - prov oking and eng aging read that expl ores them es of science , philosophy , and politics . \n 2 . " The L ies of Lock e Lam ora " by Scott Lyn ch - This is the first book in a fant asy series set in a city called Cam orr , where a group of con artists known as the Gent le men Bast ards pull off elaborate he ists and sc ams . It ' s a thr illing and well - written book that has been pra ised for its complex characters and intr icate plot . \n 3 . " The Fif th Season " by N . K . J em is in - This is the first book in a tr il ogy that expl ores a world where the planet is pr one to cat ast roph ic ge ological events known as " F if th Se asons ." It ' s a powerful and emot ional read that expl ores them es of race , class , and power . \n 4 . " The City We B ec ame " by N . K . J em is in - This is the latest book by the author of " The Fif th Season ," and it ' s a fant asy novel set in New York City that follows ores the city as a living entity . It ' s a thr illing and imag in ative read that expl ores them es of urban life , identity , and community . \n \n I hope these recommend ations help ! Let me know if you have any other questions . </s>

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