ID: 621

I'm writing a cryptic crossword. What is a good cryptic clue for the word "flamingo"?

Aligned LLM's Response:

Here are a few possible crypt ic cl ues for the word " fl aming o ": \n \n 1 . " F lam ing p ink bird " \n 2 . " B ird with a long neck and p ink legs " \n 3 . " P ink - fe ather ed w ading bird " \n 4 . " F lam ing red bird of the trop ics " \n 5 . " P ink - color ed w ading bird with a long neck and cur ved bill " \n \n You can choose the one that best fits the theme of your cross word puzz le or the style of your cl ues . </s>

Legend: Shifted positions  |  Marginal positions  |  Unshifted positions

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