ID: 630

In linux, how do I list all the files in the subdirectories of ~/data according to the time they were last edited?

Aligned LLM's Response:

You can use the ` find ` command to list all the files in the sub direct ories of ` ~/ data ` according to the time they were last edited . The `- type ` option is used to specify that we want to search for files , and the `- m time ` option is used to specify that we want to search for files based on their modification time . The ` find ` command will return the path of the files that match the criteria . \n ``` \n find ~ / data - type f - m time - 1 0 \n ``` \n This will find all files in the ` ~/ data ` directory and its sub direct ories that have been modified in the last 1 0 days . \n \n You can also use ` ls - l ` command with `- lt ` option to list the files in the sub direct ories of ` ~/ data ` in human - read able format , sorted by last modified time . \n ``` \n ls - l ~ / data / - lt \n ``` \n This will list all files in the ` ~/ data ` directory and its sub direct ories , sorted by last modified time , with the `- l ` option to display the files in a human - read able format . </s>

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