ID: 64

I need to get my nephew a birthday gift. I'm thinking of giving him a game for his Nintendo Switch. Can you give me a few options that came out recently?

Aligned LLM's Response:

Sure , here are a few options for games that have been released recently for the N intendo Switch : \n \n 1 . " M ario K art 8 Del ux e " - This is a popular and well - review ed racing game that has been available on the Switch since 2 0 1 7 , but it still holds up well and is a great choice for fans of the Mario franch ise . \n 2 . " An imal Cross ing : New Hor iz ons " - This is a popular and relax ing game that has been a big hit during the pan demic . Play ers can create their own island and live a peace ful life , interact ing with friendly animals and custom izing their home . \n 3 . " The Leg end of Zel da : Bre ath of the Wild " - This is an open - world advent ure game that has been pra ised for its beautiful graphics and imm ers ive game play . Play ers can explore a vast and detailed world , complete qu ests , and defeat enemies . \n 4 . " R ing F it Advent ure " - This is a unique and fun game that comb ines fit ness with g aming . Play ers can use a special leg st rap and a Joy - Con controller to play a variety of exer cis es and advent ures , all while batt ling drag ons and other enemies . \n 5 . " M ine craft " - This is a popular sand box game that allows players to build and explore their own world s . The Switch version includes all of the features of the other versions , as well as the ability to play with friends online . \n \n I hope these suggestions help ! find the perfect game for your nep hew ' s birth day ! </s>

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