ID: 644

What would be a great twist for a murder mystery? I'm looking for something creative, not to rehash old tropes.

Aligned LLM's Response:

One potential tw ist for a murder mystery could be to reve al that the victim was actually the perpet r ator all along , and that the true characters were all unw itting accomp lices in their own murder . This would add a layer of complexity to the mystery , as the audience would have to re evalu ate their assumptions about the characters and their motiv ations . Another tw ist could be to reve al that the murder was committed not for personal gain , but as a form of self - def ense or to prevent a greater evil from occurr ing . This would add a moral dimension to the mystery , as the audience would have to consider the eth ical imp lications of the murder and whether it was just ified . </s>

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