ID: 648

Tell me about some weird habits that some people have.

Aligned LLM's Response:

There are many weird hab its that people have , some of which may seem strange to others . Here are a few examples : \n \n 1 . Some people like to eat their food in a specific order , such as starting with the corners of their plate and working their way towards the center . \n 2 . O thers may have a habit of t apping their foot or fingers when they are nerv ous or b ored . \n 3 . Some people like to tw irl their hair or touch their face a lot . \n 4 . Some people like to ar range their belong ings in a specific order or pattern , such as align ing their sho es or so cks in a certain way . \n 5 . O thers may have a habit of repeating certain words or phr ases to themselves , such as " um " or " ah ." \n 6 . Some people like to tap or drum their fingers on a surface when they are thinking or trying to focus . \n 7 . O thers may have a habit of bit ing their n ails or pick ing at their skin . \n 8 . Some people like to stack objects in a specific way , such as books or papers . \n 9 . O thers may have a habit of f idget ing or moving around a lot when they are sitting down . \n 1 0 . Some people like to talk iff or sm ell things , such as flowers or sp ices , as a way of relax ing or foc using . </s>

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