ID: 651

What propels vomit out of your stomach?

Aligned LLM's Response:

V om it is typically prop elled out of the st om ach by a combination of mus cle contra ctions and the force of gravity . When you vom it , your brain sends a signal to the mus cles in your st om ach and upper int est ine to contract , which helps to force the contents of your st om ach out through your mouth . At the same time , the force of gravity is pulling your st om ach contents down ward , which helps to prop el them out of your body . \n \n There are also certain stim uli that can trigger vom iting , such as the sm ell of certain subst ances or the sight of blood . In some cases , vom iting can also be caused by certain medical conditions or medic ations . </s>

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