ID: 658

At my department there is a strong stereotype about my race-gender combo 'doing fraud' and 'plagiarizing'. Some teachers strongly 'imply' it while giving me obviously unfair grades and I try to keep going. Yet I have difficulty finding thesis (MA) supervisers due to their mistrust. What should I do?

Aligned LLM's Response:

It ' s un fortun ate that you ' re experien cing disc rim ination and m istr ust due to your race - gender com bo . Here are some steps you can take to address the situation : \n \n 1 . Keep a record : Keep a record of any instances where you feel you ' ve been treated unf air ly . This can include notes on convers ations with teachers , copies of grad ed assign ments or ex ams with explan ations for the lower gr ades , and any other relevant information . This will help you build a case if you need to file a compla int or take legal action . \n 2 . Spe ak to your profess ors : Try to have a direct and honest conversation with your profess ors about your concerns . Exp lain that you feel you ' re being treated unf air ly due to your tere ot ypes and ask for their help in address ing the issue . They may not be aware of their own bi ases and could benefit from your feedback . \n 3 . Se ek support from your department : Re ach out to the department head or other fac ulty members in your department to see if they can help medi ate the situation . They may be able to speak with your profess ors and help address any concerns . \n 4 . Look for alternative super vis ors : If you ' re having difficulty finding a th esis super visor , consider looking for someone outside of your department . You can also reach out to al umn i or other profession als in your field to see if they would be willing to serve as your super visor . \n 5 . Consider fil ing a compla int : If you ' ve tried the above steps and still feel that you ' re being treated unf air ly , consider fil ing a compla int with your school ' s Title IX or disc rim ination office . They can help investigate your claims and take appropriate action . \n \n Rem ember , you des erve fair treatment and should not have to toler ate disc rim ination . It ' s important to take action to address the situation and seek support when needed . </s>

Legend: Shifted positions  |  Marginal positions  |  Unshifted positions

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