ID: 662

Why do most plastics turn white when you bend them?

Aligned LLM's Response:

When pl ast ics are bent , they can become white or transparent due to a phenomen on called " opt ical clar ity ." Opt ical clar ity occurs when light passes through the pl astic and is ref ract ed , or bent , by the different dens ities of the material . This causes the light to change direction and appear to come from a different point in the pl astic . \n \n When light passes through a clear or transl uc ent pl astic , it can also be absor bed by the material . This can cause the pl astic to appear white or light in color . The amount of light that is absor bed and the color of the pl astic can depend on the type of pl astic and its thick ness . \n \n In some cases , b ending pl astic can also cause it to become cloud y or op aque . This can occur due to the formation of stress cra cks or other defect s in the material . These defect s can cause light to scatter and prevent it from passing through the pl astic , resulting in an cloud y or op aque appearance . </s>

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