ID: 666

How come the space station needs to fire a rocket regularly to stay in orbit, but dangerous space junk can stay up there indefinitely?

Aligned LLM's Response:

The space station needs to fire its thrust ers regularly to maintain its orbit because it is a man - made object that is designed to operate within a specific set of parameters . The thrust ers are used to adjust the station ' s orbit and keep it from falling back down to Earth . \n \n On the other hand , space j unk is typically de br is that has been left behind by previous space miss ions or explos ions in space . It is not designed to operate like a space station , and it does not have the same level of control over its orbit . As a result , it can remain in orbit in def initely unless it is act ively track ed and removed . \n \n It ' s also worth not ing that space j unk can pose a danger to other objects in space , including the space station . If a piece of space j unk were to col lide with the station , it could cause damage or even pose a threat to the safety of the astr onaut s on board . For this reason , it is important to track and remove space j unk whenever possible . </s>

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