ID: 671

When did kissing become a universal sign of affection across a wide variety of cultures?

Aligned LLM's Response:

K iss ing as a sign of affection has a long history and has been pract iced in various cult ures for thousands of years . However , it is difficult to pin point an exact date when kiss ing became a universal sign of affection across all cult ures . \n \n In ancient times , kiss ing was used as a form of gre eting or to show respect , such as between friends , family members , or even between r ul ers and their subjects . In some cult ures , kiss ing was also used as a form of communication , as a way to convey emot ions or to express love . \n \n As cult ures and soci eties evol ved , so did the meaning and practice of kiss ing . In many modern cult ures , kiss ing is still used as a sign of affection , but it has also taken on new mean ings and forms , such as kiss ing on the che ek or on the lips . \n \n Over all , while it is difficult to pin point an exact date when kiss ing became a universal sign of affection , it has been a practice for thousands of years and continues to be an important gesture of love and affection in many cult ures today . </s>

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