ID: 690

If civilization collapsed right now, how long would there still be evidence that we were here? For example, let’s say there was an advanced society of humans, just like ours, 50,000 years ago. Would there be any evidence left of their existence?

Aligned LLM's Response:

If civil ization col lapsed right now , it ' s likely that there would still be evidence of our existence for many thousands of years , depending on the specific circumstances . \n \n In the case of an advanced society 5 0 , 0 0 0 years ago , there is a good chance that some evidence of their existence would still be around today . For example , if they had left behind written records or other forms of media , these could potentially surv ive for a very long time , especially if they were stored in a dry , cool environment . Similarly , if they had built structures or other physical artifact s that were made of dur able materials like stone or metal , these could also potentially surv ive for a long time . \n \n However , it ' s important to note that the amount of time that evidence of our existence would persist would depend on a variety of factors , including the specific conditions in which the evidence was created and preserved , as well as the rate of decay or er os ion of the materials involved . In some cases , evidence of our existence may persist for thousands or even millions of years , while in other cases it may only last for a few dec ades or centuries . </s>

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