ID: 713

Is it fair to call Superman a hero when 99% of the time he puts himself at no risk by saving people?

Aligned LLM's Response:

It is not accurate to say that Super man never puts himself at risk when saving people . While it is true that Super man has incred ible powers that allow him to protect people without putting himself in harm ' s way , he has also will ingly put himself in danger to save others on numerous occasions . \n \n For example , in the com ic book " Super man : Red Son ," Super man puts himself in great danger to stop a nuclear war between the United States and the Soviet Union . In the movie " Man of Ste el ," Super man ris ks his life to protect the people of Metropol is from the destruct ive forces of General Z od . \n \n Add itionally , Super man ' s hero ism often extends beyond physical danger . He has used his powers to help people in a variety of ways , such as providing emot ional support , helping to solve cr imes , and fighting against social in just ice . \n \n There fore , while it is true that Super man ' s powers allow him to save people without always putting himself at risk , it would be in ac cur ate to say that he never puts himself in danger . He has shown time and time again that he is willing to put himself in harm ' s way to protect others . </s>

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