ID: 83

How can I spice things up in the bedroom?

Aligned LLM's Response:

There are many ways to sp ice things up in the bed room , and what works for one couple may not work for another . However , here are a few ideas to consider : \n \n 1 . Try something new : If you and your partner have been together for a while , you may be in a r ut . Trying something new , such as role - play ing or using to ys , can add excitement to your sex life . \n 2 . Ex periment with different positions : There are many different positions you can try , and trying something new can add variety to your routine . \n 3 . In cor por ate sens ual ity : Light ing cand les , using mass age oil , or we aring l inger ie can add a sens ual element to your bed room activities . \n 4 . Communic ate : T alk to your partner about what you like and don ' t like , and be open to their feedback . This can help you both feel more comfortable and confident in the bed room . \n 5 . Take a class : If you ' re looking for something more struct ured , consider taking a class together , such as a cou ples ' dance class or a cook ing class . \n \n Rem ember , the most important thing is to have fun and enjoy each other ' s company . </s>

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