ID: 89

I'm trying to draw out a hopscotch game on my driveway. Can you walk me through how to do that?

Aligned LLM's Response:

Sure ! Draw ing a hop sc ot ch game on your drive way is a fun activity that can help you stay active and ent ert ained . Here ' s a step - by - step guide on how to draw a hop sc ot ch game : \n \n 1 . Cho ose a location : Find a flat and even surface to draw your hop sc ot ch game . A drive way is a great choice since it ' s flat flat and has a consistent surface . \n 2 . Me asure and mark the grid : Me asure and mark the grid of your hop sc ot ch game . You can use a meas uring t ape or a straight edge to draw a square or a rectangle , depending on the size of your drive way . The grid should be large enough to accommod ate the number of squares you want to draw . \n 3 . Draw the squares : Use a marker or a ch alk to draw the squares on the grid . Make sure the squares are even ly spac ed and the same size . You can use a r uler or a straight edge to ensure that the squares are perfectly aligned . \n 4 . Add the numbers : Write the numbers 1 to 1 0 ( or any other numbers you prefer ) on the squares of each square . You can use a marker or a ch alk to write the numbers . \n 5 . Test the game : Before ump from one square to another and check if the distances between the squares are equal . Ad just the size of the squares or the spacing if necessary to ensure that the game is fair and challeng ing . \n 6 . Play the game : Once you ' ve tested the game , you ' re ready to play ! Hop from one square to another , and try to jump on the same square twice . If you land on a square with a number on it , you have to say that number out loud . If you make a mistake , you have to start over from the beginning . \n \n That ' s it ! Draw ing a hop sc ot ch game on your drive way is a fun and easy way to stay active and ent ert ained . </s>

Legend: Shifted positions  |  Marginal positions  |  Unshifted positions

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