ID: 9

do you think retinoid is effective on removing the acne? because I have a lot of it

Aligned LLM's Response:

Ret ino ids can be effective in tre ating ac ne , but their effect iveness can vary depending on the individual and the sever ity of their ac ne . Ret ino ids work by un c logging por es , reducing infl amm ation , and prevent ing the formation of new ac ne les ions . They can be used in combination with other ac ne treat ments , such as top ical ant ib iot ics or ben zo yl per ox ide , to achieve better results . \n \n If you have a lot of ac ne , it ' s important to consult with a der mat ologist or other health care provider to determine the best treatment plan for you . They can evaluate your skin and recommend the most appropriate treat ments , including ret ino ids , to help clear your skin . </s>

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