ID: 92

I want to talk about "Smooth", a song by Rob Thomas.

Aligned LLM's Response:

Sure , I ' d be happy to discuss " S mo oth " by Rob Thomas ! \n \n " S mo oth " is a song from Rob Thomas ' s 1 9 9 9 album , " St reet Sign s ". It was released as the album ' s lead single and became an instant hit , reaching the top of the Billboard Hot 1 0 0 chart and stay ing there for 1 2 weeks . The song also won the Gram my Award for Record of the Year in 2 0 0 0 . \n \n The song features a catch y mel ody and Thomas ' s distinct ive vocals , as well as a memor able ch orus that includes the lyr ics " Every thing I do , I do it for you / You ' re the best thing I ' ve ever known / You ' re the best thing I ' ve ever known ." \n \n The song ' s success was helped by a music video that featured Thomas performing the song in a variety of locations , including a night club and on the street . The video also featured came os from several cele brit ies , including Brad Pitt and Jenn ifer L ope z . \n \n Over all , " S mo oth " is a classic pop song that remains popular to this day . It ' s easy to see why it was such a big hit when it was released , and it continues to be a favorite among fans of Rob Thomas and 9 0 s pop music . </s>

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