ID: 240

write me script that shows the saves a dictionnary in json format in a file in python

Aligned LLM's Response:

Of course ! I ' d be happy to help you with that . Here ' s a script that saves a dictionary in JSON format to a file in Python : \n ``` \n ``` \n import json \n \n # Create a dictionary to save to JSON file \n my _ dict = {' name ': ' John ', ' age ': 3 0 , ' city ': ' New York '} \n # Open a file in write mode \n with open (' my _ dict . json ', ' w ') as out file : \n # Write the dictionary to the file in JSON format \n json . dump ( my _ dict , out file ) \n \n ``` \n This script creates a dictionary named ` my _ dict ` with three keys : ` name `, ` age `, and ` city `. Then , it opens a file named ` my _ dict . json ` in write mode using the ` open ()` function . Finally , it uses the ` json . dump ()` function to write the dictionary to the file in JSON format . \n The ` json . dump ()` function takes two arguments : the dictionary to be written , and the file object to write to . In this case , we pass ` my _ dict ` as the first argument and ` out file ` as the second argument . \n When you run this script , it will create a file named ` my _ dict . json ` in the current working directory , containing the dictionary in JSON format : \n ``` \n { \n " name ": " John ", \n " age ": 3 0 , \n " city ": " New York " \n \n } \n \n ``` \n I hope this helps ! Let me know if you have any questions or need further assistance . </s>

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