ID: 241

What is the james webb telescope

Aligned LLM's Response:

The James Web b Space T eles cope ( J W ST ) is a space observ atory that is scheduled to be launched in October 2 0 2 3 by NASA , the European Space Agency ( ES A ), and the Canadian Space Agency ( C SA ). It is designed to be the successor to the Hub ble Space T eles cope and will be the most powerful space teles cope ever built . \n The J W ST will observe the universe in inf ra red light , allowing it to see through dust and gas to study the formation of the first stars and galaxies in the early universe , as well as the formation of stars and planet ary systems in our own galax y . It will also study the composition of the atmos pher es of distant plan ets and mo ons , and search for signs of life in the universe . \n The J W ST is named after James E . Web b , the second administrator of NASA , who played a key role in the development of the ag ency and the Apol lo program . The teles cope is being built by a collaboration of NASA , E SA , and C SA , and is expected to cost around $ 8 . 7 billion . \n I hope this information helps ! Let me know if you have any other questions . </s>

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