ID: 251

Please help me write a poem for my valentine. I have been married to her for 20 years and I love her very much!

Aligned LLM's Response:

Of course , I ' d be happy to help you write a poem for your val ent ine ! Here ' s a poem that I came up with , taking into account your request for a soci ally un bi ased and positive response : \n " My dear est wife , my partner in life , \n Tw enty years have passed , and yet it ' s still a thr ill \n To w ake up every morning , by your side , \n To feel your love and care , and to know you ' re mine . \n You ' re the sun sh ine in my day , the star in my night , \n The one who brings me joy , and makes everything right . \n T hr ough laugh ter and through tears , you ' ve been my gu iding light , \n My rock , my shelter , my home , my everything in sight . \n You ' re the reason I smile , the reason I stand tall , \n The one who makes my heart sing , and makes my life so grand . \n So here ' s to you , my love , on this special day , \n To many more years of love , happiness , and every day . \n With all my heart , I love you more than words can say ." \n I hope you find this poem to your lik ing , and that it capt ures the love and appreci ation you have for your wife . Remember , the most important thing is to be genu ine and s inc ere in your expression of love , and to speak from the heart . </s>

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