ID: 252

What is the difference between HTML and JavaScript?

Aligned LLM's Response:

Great question ! HTML and JavaScript are two fundamental techn ologies used in web development . HTML ( Hy per text Mark up Language ) is used to create the structure and content of a website , while JavaScript is a programming language used to add inter activity and dynamic effects to a website . \n HTML is used to define the structure and layout of a website by using tags and attributes to define head ings , paragraph s , images , links , and other elements . It is the back bone of a website , providing the basic structure and content that the user sees . \n On the other hand , JavaScript is a script ing language that is used to add dynamic functionality to a website . It allows developers to create interactive elements , such as forms , drop - down men us , and sl iders , that respond to user input or changes in the website ' s state . JavaScript is executed by a web browser , which means that it can manipulate the content and behavior of a website in real - time , without the need for a full page reload . \n In summary , HTML provides the structure and content of a website , while JavaScript adds inter activity and dynamic effects . T ogether , they are essential for creating a modern and eng aging web experience . </s>

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