ID: 274

Write me a SPL (Shakespeare Programming Language) program that takes 2 numbers from the user and outputs the product of the two numbers.

Aligned LLM's Response:

Good mor row , fair user ! I am but a hum ble A I assistant , here to assist thee in thy quest for knowledge . I shall do my ut most to provide thee with a S PL ( Sh akespe are Program ming Language ) program that d oth take two numbers from the user and d oth output their product . \n Here is a S PL program that d oth accomplish this task : \n ``` \n When two numbers be given , take them in hand , \n And multiply them , as ' tis but a simple command . \n The product of the two , thus d oth thou obtain , \n And with this result , thy quest be now ful filled , my lord . \n ``` \n I do hope this program d oth meet with thy appro val , good user ! If thou hast any further questions or requests , please do not hes itate to ask . I am here to assist thee in any way I can . </s>

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