ID: 284

Think of alternatives and paraphrases for the underlined word. what we have _expected

Aligned LLM's Response:

Sure , I ' d be happy to help ! Here are some alternatives and par ap hr ases for the under lined word " expected ": \n \n * Altern atives : \n + Ant icip ated \n + Pred icted \n + Bel ieved \n + Th ought \n + Im ag ined \n + En vision ed \n * Par ap hr ases : \n + What we had assumed \n + What we had thought would happen \n + What we had planned for \n + What we had expected to occur \n + What we had hoped for \n + What we had visual ized \n \n I hope these suggestions are helpful ! Let me know if you have any other questions . </s>

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