ID: 285

Design a skill assessment questioner for R (Programming Language).

Aligned LLM's Response:

Of course ! I ' d be happy to help you design a skill assess ment question naire for R programming language . Here are some questions that could be included in the assess ment : \n 1 . Basic R syntax : \n a . What is the difference between ` cat ()` and ` print ()` in R ? \n b . How do you define a new variable in R ? \n c . What is the purpose of the ` quotes ` in R ? \n 2 . Data manip ulation : \n a . How do you select a subset of rows or columns in a data frame ? \n b . How do you res hape a data frame from a wide format to a long format ? \n c . How do you merge two data frames based on a common column ? \n 3 . Data visual ization : \n a . How do you create a basic bar chart in R using the ` gg plot 2 ` package ? \n b . How do you create a scatter plot in R using the ` gg plot 2 ` package ? \n c . How do you add a title and labels to a plot in R using the ` gg plot 2 ` package ? \n 4 . Statist ical analysis : \n a . How do you calculate the mean and standard deviation of a dataset in R ? \n b . How do you perform a t - test in R to compare the means of two groups ? \n c . How do you perform a linear regression analysis in R to model the relationship between two continuous variables ? \n 5 . Data import / export : \n a . How do you import a CSV file into R ? \n b . How do you export a data frame from R to a CSV file ? \n c . How do you import a dataset from a database into R using the ` db Connect ()` function ? \n 6 . R programming concepts : \n a . What is the difference between a function and a method in R ? \n b . How do you define a function in R ? \n c . How do you call a function in R ? \n 7 . Advanced R topics : \n a . How do you create a package in R ? \n b . How do you use the ` library ()` function in R ? \n c . How do you use the ` de parse ()` function in R to inspect the structure of an expression ? \n 8 . R programming best practices : \n a . How do you write readable and maintain able R code ? \n b . How do you avoid common mistakes in R programming ? \n c . How do you use version control in R to manage your code ? \n \n I hope these questions provide a good starting point for your skill assess ment . Please let me know if you need any further assistance ! </s>

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