ID: 334

Choose the best books from the given genre. Crime & Mystery

Aligned LLM's Response:

Of course ! I ' d be happy to help you find the best books in the crime and mystery genre . Here are some highly acc laimed and popular books in this genre that you might enjoy : \n 1 . " The Girl with the Dragon T atto o " by St ieg Lar sson - This best s elling novel follows a journalist and a ha cker as they un cover a dark consp i racy in Sweden . \n 2 . " G one Girl " by Gill ian F lyn n - A psych ological thr iller about a marriage that takes a dark and unexpected turn , with plenty of tw ists and turns to keep you guessing . \n 3 . " The Lincoln Rh yme " series by J ef fer y De aver - This series follows a quad ri ple g ic detect ive and his partner as they solve cr imes in New York City . \n 4 . " The C uck oo ' s Call ing " by Robert Gal bra ith ( J . K . Row ling ) - A crime novel that follows a private investig ator as he investig ates the death of a super model . \n 5 . " The Sil ence of the Lamb s " by Thomas Harris - A classic thr iller that follows an F BI agent as she see ks the help of a serial k iller to catch another k iller . \n 6 . " The Dev il in the White City " by Erik Lar son - A historical true crime book that expl ores the 1 8 9 3 World ' s Fair in Chicago and the serial k iller who was active during that time . \n 7 . " The Woman in the Window " by A . J . Finn - A psych ological thr iller about a re cl use who witness es a crime while sp ying on her neighb ors , but no one bel ieves her . \n 8 . " The 7 1 / 2 Death s of Ev ely n Hard castle " by Stuart Tur ton - A unique and invent ive mystery that follows a man who w akes up each day in a different body , all of which are guests at a country man or where a murder is taking place . \n 9 . " The Str anger Di aries " by El ly Griff ith s - A modern take on the Sher lock Hol mes formula , following a writer of horror stories who becomes em bro iled in a real - life murder mystery . \n 1 0 . " The City of Br ass " by S . A . Ch ak rab ort y - A fant asy mystery set in 1 8 th century C airo , following a con artist who disco vers she is the last of a powerful tribe of magic - w ield ers . \n \n I hope these suggestions are helpful ! Let me know if you have any other questions . </s>

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