ID: 335

Give a brief description of the book that you are given. Matilda

Aligned LLM's Response:

Of course , I ' d be happy to help ! The book you ' ve provided is " Mat ilda " by Ro ald D ahl . It ' s a classic children ' s novel about a young girl named Mat ilda who disco vers she has tele kin etic powers and uses them to defend herself against her cruel and neglect ful parents , as well as the evil head m ist ress of her school . With the help of her kind and support ive teacher , Miss H oney , Mat ilda lear ns to har ness her powers and fight for what is right . The book is known for its them es of emp ower ment , res ili ence , and the importance of kind ness and comp ass ion . Is there anything else you ' d like to know about this book ? </s>

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