ID: 336

Indicate the genre of the book to which it belongs. Love in the Time of Cholera

Aligned LLM's Response:

Thank you for asking ! " L ove in the Time of Ch ol era " is a novel written by Gabriel Gar cia Mar quez , and it belongs to the genre of mag ical real ism . This genre comb ines elements of real istic fiction with mag ical or super natural elements , creating a unique and imag in ative atmosphere . Mag ical real ism is a literary style that origin ated in Latin America in the mid - 2 0 th century , and it is character ized by a bl ending of the fant astic and the real , often expl oring them es of politics , history , and social issues . " L ove in the Time of Ch ol era " is a prime example of this genre , as it tells a love story set against the back drop of political and social up he aval in Colombia during the early 2 0 th century . </s>

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