ID: 365

Create a template in markdown to create scope for Jira tickets. Members should use this template as a checklist to ensure they have included all the necessary information when creating a ticket.

Aligned LLM's Response:

Sure , I ' d be happy to help you create a template for J ira tick ets ! Here is a template you can use as a check list for creating a J ira ticket : \n ## # Re quired Information \n \n * ** Title ** : Prov ide a clear and descript ive title for the ticket , including the problem or issue being reported . \n * ** Description ** : Descri be the problem or issue in detail , including any relevant context or background information . \n * ** Ste ps to Re produ ce ** : Prov ide a step - by - step guide on how to reproduce the issue , including any relevant screens h ots or videos . \n * ** Ex pected Results ** : Descri be the expected outcome or resolution for the issue . \n * ** Act ual Results ** : Descri be the actual outcome or resolution of the issue , including any relevant screens h ots or videos . \n * ** S creens h ots or Videos ** : In clude any relevant screens h ots or videos that demonstrate the issue . \n * ** Environment ** : Prov ide information about the environment in which the issue occurred , including the operating system , browser , or other relevant details . \n * ** User Information ** : Prov ide information about the user who is experien cing the issue , including their name , email address , and any relevant user details . \n * ** Not es ** : In clude any additional notes or comments that may be relevant to the ticket . \n \n By using this template as a check list , you can ensure that you have included all the necessary information when creating a J ira ticket , which will help ensure that your ticket is processed efficiently and effectively . If you have any questions or need further assistance , please don ' t hes itate to ask ! </s>

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