ID: 474

How to create a footnote for the authors list in latex

Aligned LLM's Response:

Great question ! Here ' s how you can create a foot note for the authors list in LaTeX : \n 1 . Use the `\ foot not et ext ` command : \n In the main text , type the foot note text that you want to appear as a su pers cript number in the authors list . For example : \n \ documentclass { article } \n \ author { John Do e } \n \ foot not et ext { J ane Do e contributed to this work as well .} \n \ title { My Article } \n \ begin { document } \n \ m ak et itle \n \ end { document } \n \n In this example , the foot note text will appear as a su pers cript number after the author ' s name in the authors list . \n \n 2 . Use the `\ fn text ` command : \n \n Al tern atively , you can use the `\ fn text ` command to create foot notes for the authors list . Here ' s how : \n \ documentclass { article } \n \ author { John Do e } \n \ fn text { J ane Do e contributed to this work as well .} \n \ title { My Article } \n \ begin { document } \n \ m ak et itle \n \ end { document } \n \n In this example , the foot note text will appear as a su pers cript number after the author ' s name in the authors list , just like with the `\ foot not et ext ` command . \n \n 3 . Use the ` foot not et able ` package : \n \n If you want to create a separate foot note table for the authors list , you can use the ` foot not et able ` package . Here ' s how : \n \ documentclass { article } \n \ usepackage { foot not et able } \n \ author { John Do e } \n \ foot not et able \n J ane Do e contributed to this work as well . \n \ title { My Article } \n \ begin { document } \n \ m ak et itle \n \ end { document } \n \n In this example , the foot note table will appear as a separate section at the end of the document , titled " Foot notes ". \n \n I hope this helps ! Let me know if you have any other questions . </s>

Legend: Shifted positions  |  Marginal positions  |  Unshifted positions

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