ID: 475

Why are the leaves of my snake plant getting soggy, and then falling off? I recently repotted it. I only water it once a month.

Aligned LLM's Response:

Thank you for reaching out ! I ' m happy to help you with your concern about your s nake plant . \n It ' s possible that the sog gy leaves on your s nake plant are due to over water ing . S nake plants are known to be dr ought - tol er ant and prefer well - dra ining soil , so it ' s important to avoid water logging the soil . Water ing once a month might be too much for your plant , especially if you ' ve recently rep otted it . \n Here are a few things you can try to help your s nake plant : \n 1 . Check the soil mo ist ure : Before water ing , stick your finger into the soil up to the first kn uck le . If the soil feels dry , it ' s time to water . If it ' s already mo ist , wait a few more days before water ing again . \n 2 . Water sp aring ly : When you do water your s nake plant , make sure to use room - temper ature water and only water the soil , not the leaves . This will help prevent fung al dise ases that can cause sog gy leaves . \n 3 . Allow the soil to dry out : Between water ings , make sure the soil has a chance to dry out slightly before water ing again . This will help prevent over water ing and promote health y root growth . \n 4 . Consider rep ot ting again : If you ' ve recently rep otted your s nake plant , it ' s possible that the sog gy leaves are due to the plant being in a pot that ' s too small . Consider rep ot ting your plant in a larger pot with well - dra ining soil to give it more room to grow . \n I hope these suggestions help ! If you have any further questions , feel free to ask . </s>

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