ID: 58

How can I make bubble solution?

Aligned LLM's Response:

Great question ! M aking b ubble solution is a fun and easy activity that can be enjoyed by people of all ages . Here ' s a simple reci pe to make b ubble solution at home : \n In g red ients : \n * 2 cu ps of water \n * 1 / 2 cup of d ish soap ( pre fer ably a non - to xic and bi ode grad able one ) \n * 1 tables po on of g ly cer in ( optional ) \n * Food color ing ( optional ) \n Inst ru ctions : \n 1 . Mix the water and d ish soap in a bow l until the soap is fully dissol ved . \n 2 . If you want to add g ly cer in to your b ubble solution , stir it in now . G ly cer in helps to create bigger and more dur able b ub bles . \n 3 . If you want to add some color to your b ub bles , add a few dro ps of food color ing to the mixture . \n 4 . St ir the mixture well and you ' re ready to blow b ub bles ! \n Note : It ' s important to use a non - to xic and bi ode grad able d ish soap , as some so aps can be harm ful to the environment . Also , make sure to use a safe amount of g ly cer in , as too much can make the b ub bles too stick y and difficult to blow . \n I hope this helps you make some fun and safe b ub bles ! If you have any other questions , feel free to ask . </s>

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