ID: 59

How to make frosting with crisco

Aligned LLM's Response:

Great question ! Cris co is a popular brand of veget able short ening that can be used to make fro st ing for c akes and other sweet tre ats . Here ' s a simple reci pe for making fro st ing with Cris co : \n In g red ients : \n * 1 cup ( 2 0 0 g ) Cris co ( ve get able short ening ) \n * 2 cu ps ( 4 0 0 g ) pow der ed sugar \n * 1 / 2 te as po on salt ( optional ) \n * 2 - 4 tables po ons milk or cre am ( ad just to desired consist ency ) \n Inst ru ctions : \n 1 . In a large mixing bow l , use an electric mix er to cre am together the Cris co and pow der ed sugar until light and fl uff y , about 2 - 3 minutes . \n 2 . Add the salt ( if using ) and mix well . \n 3 . With the mix er on low speed , gradually add the milk or cre am , increasing the speed as needed to achieve the desired consist ency . You may not need to use all of the milk or cre am , depending on how thin or thick you want the fro st ing to be . \n 4 . Cont inue to mix until the fro st ing is smooth and cre amy , sc rap ing down the sides of the bow l as needed . \n 5 . T aste the fro st ing and add more pow der ed sugar if you prefer it swe eter , or more milk or cre am if you want it th inner . \n 6 . Use the fro st ing immediately , or store it in an a irt ight container in the re fr iger ator for up to 3 days . Br ing the fro st ing to room temperature before using . \n That ' s it ! This reci pe makes about 2 cu ps of fro st ing , which should be enough to fro st a standard - s ized c ake . You can also adjust the amount of milk or cre am to achieve the desired consist ency for your specific needs . En jo y ! \n \n Please note : If you have any concerns or questions about this reci pe , or if you need further clar ification , please feel free to ask . I ' m here to help ! </s>

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