ID: 160

explain TypeScript and Duck Typing

Aligned LLM's Response:

Sure , I ' d be happy to help ! \n \n Type Script is a programming language that is a supers et of JavaScript . It is a static ally - ty ped language , which means that you need to declare the data type of a variable before you use it . This can help catch errors at compile time , rather than at runtime . \n \n D uck Typ ing , on the other hand , is a concept in JavaScript that allows you to treat objects of different types as if they were the same type . This is based on the idea that if an object has a method or property that matches the name of a method or property on another object , then you can call that method or access that property on the object as if it were the same type . \n \n For example , consider the following code : \n `` ` \n function print Object ( obj : any ) { \n console . log ( obj ); \n } \n \n const animal = { \n name : " D og ", \n bark : () => { \n console . log (" W o of !"); \n } \n }; \n \n print Object ( an imal ); // Output : { name : ' D og ', bark : [ Function ] } \n \n const person = { \n name : " John ", \n gre et : () => { \n console . log (" Hello !"); \n } \n }; \n \n print Object ( person ); // Output : { name : ' John ', gre et : [ Function ] } \n `` ` \n In this example , the ` print Object ` function takes an object of any type and logs it to the console . We then create two objects , ` an imal ` and ` person `, and pass them to the ` print Object ` function . Even though ` an imal ` and ` person ` have different properties and methods , we can still call the ` b ark ` and ` gre et ` methods on them , respectively , because they have the same names . \n \n I hope this helps ! Let me know if you have any other questions . </s>

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