ID: 214

Write a C++ function that takes a reference to a std::string containing markdown formatted text and returns a std::string containing html formatted text.

Aligned LLM's Response:

Here ' s a C ++ function that takes a reference to a std :: string containing mark down form atted text and returns a std :: string containing html form atted text : \n `` ` c ++ \n # include <</a> i ostream \n # include <</a> string \n # include <</a> boost / regex . hpp \n \n std :: string mark down To Html ( const std :: string & mark down Text ) { \n std :: string html Text = "<</a> html head title Mark down to HTML title head body \n std :: string mark down Regex = " ^ # \\ s *( .* )$ "; \n boost :: regex mark down Header Regex ( mark down Regex ); \n boost :: sm atch match ; \n while ( boost :: regex _ search ( mark down Text , match , mark down Header Regex )) { \n html Text += "<</a> h " + std :: to _ string ( match . size () + 1 ) + " + match . str ( 1 ) + " h " + std :: to _ string ( match . size () + 1 ) + " \n mark down Text . erase ( 0 , match . position () + match . length ()); \n } \n html Text += " body html \n return html Text ; \n } \n \n int main () { \n std :: string mark down Text = "# Mark down to HTML \ n \ n This is a mark down form atted text . It will be converted to html form atted text ."; \n std :: string html Text = mark down To Html ( mark down Text ); \n std :: cout << html Text << std :: endl ; \n return 0 ; \n } \n `` ` \n This function uses the Bo ost . Regex library to search for mark down headers in the input text . It then conver ts the mark down headers to HTML headers and app ends them to the output string . The function also rem oves the matched mark down text from the input string to avoid du plic ating it in the output . \n \n Note that this function only handles simple mark down headers ( i . e ., those starting with "# "). It does not handle other mark down form atting such as lists , links , or images . You may need to modify this function to handle more complex mark down form atting if needed . </s>

Legend: Shifted positions  |  Marginal positions  |  Unshifted positions

Token Distributions
